The European Commission published, on February 6, the Single Market Scoreboard - 2023 edition, which highlights all Romania's indicators for the Internal Market Information System (IMI) and Professional Qualifications, coordinated by the National Recognition Center and Diploma Equivalence (CNRED), maintaining the very good results obtained in previous years.
From the country report in which the results of the IMI performance indicators are presented in the years 2021 and 2022, it is noted:
„Performance - Romania maintained its excellent performance.
Results for all five indicators were above the EEA average.
Performance for four indicators improved further compared to the previous year.
The results for four indicators were in the top ten of the Member States in the respective fields."
The graphic representations present the evolution of IMI performance indicators over the last 3 years for all IMI modules, in the context of the increase in the volume of managed information requests:
- The speed in accepting requests received within a week represents the percentage of accepted requests out of the total number of requests for information received by the authorities in Romania. The results of the last 3 years were at least 90%, compared to the European average of 78% in 2022.
- The speed in responding to requests represents the average number of days in which responses were sent, calculated for all requests for information for the recognition of professional qualifications that were accepted by the Romanian authorities. The best result was recorded in 2022 - 11 calendar days, much better than the European average of 17 calendar days.
- Information requests answered on the agreed date in IMI represent the percentage of the total number of requests answered within the deadline accepted by the receiving authority in Romania. The result in 2022 is 89%, also the best in recent years, above the European average of 88% in 2022.
The last two IMI indicators, 4 and 5 respectively, are obtained through a survey measuring the satisfaction of the requesting competent authority which envisages an optional questionnaire for information requests sent for the following legislative areas: Professional qualifications, Services, Patients' rights, Posting of workers.
- The promptness of the answers represents the percentage of positive evaluations from the total number of answers to the questionnaire. The result of 96% represents a further improvement on the results of previous years, respectively compared to the European average of 92% in the year 2022.
- Efforts undertaken represents the percentage of positive ratings out of the total number of responses to the questionnaire. The 2022 result was 96%, the best result so far, above the European average of 94% in 2022.
Additional information on IMI results from the Internal Market Scoreboard is published here.
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