OCTRA 2 project – Course catalogues and online databases for transparency and recognition 2
On 14 September this year, the first working meeting was held in Riga to review the progress of the project OCTRA 2 – Online course catalogues and databases for transparency and recognition 2, no. 101101695, funded by the Erasmus+ programme, action 3. This project is aimed at members of the ENIC/NARIC National Recognition Centres network, in which Romania is a partner together with Latvia, Poland, Ireland, Bulgaria, Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
During the meeting partners presented and discussed the results of questionnaires and interviews conducted with representatives of higher education institutions on the implementation, use and recognition of micro-certificates at national level, as well as the accessibility of online course catalogues at institutional level. Future planned activities and events were also discussed, as well as aspects of the project implementation (action plan, deliverables, financial management and dissemination process).
The OCTRA 2 project aims to further explore the role of online course catalogues of higher education institutions in the project partner countries, with a focus on micro-certifications, to support higher education institutions in providing reliable information for the recognition of higher education qualifications, including micro-certifications, which in the future may lead to automatic recognition of higher education qualifications. Project activities include: Identification at the level of each partner of national practices, recommendations and approaches regarding micro-certifications and online course catalogues; Improvement and adaptation of the guidelines (developed in the previous project) on online course catalogues and micro-certifications, including how to include them in online course catalogues; Strengthening the dialogue between higher education institutions, ENIC-NARIC Centres, evaluators and other stakeholders involved in recognition (e.g. employers, students) on the provision of reliable and uniform information on higher education qualifications and micro-certificates.
The project page can be found at https://aic.lv/en/par-aic/projects/octra-2
ARAQUA project – The road to automatic recognition of qualifications for access to higher education
On 30 August this year, a working meeting was held in a hybrid format to discuss progress in the ARAQUA – Road to Automatic Recognition of Higher Education Access Qualifications project, no. 101101645, funded by the Erasmus+ programme, action 3, a project for members of the ENIC/NARIC National Recognition Centres network, in which Romania is a partner together with Latvia, the Kingdom of Denmark, Italy, Malta, Estonia, Slovakia, Armenia and Ireland.
Each partner presented on this occasion the Country profile (Country profile) developed during the first activities of the project, which describes the pre-university education system in the partner country, as well as the study documents giving access to higher education. The analysis and comparison of this information is the subject of the next package of project activities.
The ARAQUA project aims to identify and map, at partner country level, the qualifications that allow access to higher education in order to develop a set of recommendations for ENIC/NARIC centres and higher education institutions leading to automatic recognition of these qualifications between countries. Another objective of the project is to develop a factsheet for mapping criteria for access qualifications to higher education and to promote discussions between ENIC/NARIC centres and higher education institutions on procedures and criteria for automatic recognition.
The project page can be accessed https://aic.lv/en/par-aic/projects/araqua
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