This FAQ section only relates to the recognition of professional qualifications held by EU nationals. Following the end of the transition period, UK nationals are third-country nationals within the EU. This means that they can no longer rely on the EU regime for recognition of professional qualifications. For more information about the recognition of UK qualifications held by UK nationals, see the European Commission memo on the rights of UK nationals under the Withdrawal Agreement..
The rules outlined in this FAQ section apply to all professional qualifications under Directive 2005/36/EC. This includes degrees, attestations of competence (within the meaning of Article 11 of Directive 2005/36/EC) and professional experience.
This FAQ section is for information purposes only. The European Commission and its staff cannot be held responsible in any way for its contents. For more information about Directive 2005/36/EC, the user guide is a useful document.
Please visit the page on citizens' rights related to the Withdrawal Agreement if you have any questions about residence permits, entry or exit requirements, etc.
I am an EU national and I obtained my UK qualification before 1 January 2021. I got my UK qualification recognised by an EU Member State competent authority before 1 January 2021. Does this recognition remain valid?
Yes, the recognition decision remains valid.
I am an EU national and I obtained my UK qualification before 1 January 2021. I got my UK qualification recognised by an EU Member State competent authority after 31 December 2020. Does this recognition remain valid?
Yes, the recognition decision is valid.
I want to re-establish in another EU Member State, after having obtained recognition of my UK qualification in line with one of the scenarios from the two questions above. What rules apply to the recognition of my qualifications?
You would need to apply in the new host Member State for recognition of your qualifications. Since you obtained your qualification before 1 January 2021, Directive 2005/36/EC applies to the recognition. The qualification was issued by the United Kingdom as a Member State (until 31 January 2020) or during the transition period set out in the Withdrawal Agreement (until 31 December 2020). This means that for EU nationals, qualifications obtained in the UK before 1 January 2021 are considered EU qualifications. The same rules apply as for the recognition of any other EU qualifications, with no time limit.
I am an EU national and I obtained my UK qualification before 1 January 2021 but did not get it recognised by an EU Member State competent authority yet. What rules apply to the recognition of my qualifications?
If the qualifications were obtained before 1 January 2021, Directive 2005/36/EC applies. These qualifications were issued by the United Kingdom as a Member State (until 31 January 2020) or during the transition period set out in the Withdrawal Agreement (until 31 December 2020). This means that for EU nationals, qualifications obtained in the UK before 1 January 2021 are considered EU qualifications. The same rules apply as for the recognition of any other EU qualifications, with no time limit.
I am an EU national and I obtained my UK qualification after 31 December 2020. What rules apply to the recognition of my qualifications?
Professional qualifications obtained after the end of the transition period set out in the Withdrawal Agreement are third-country qualifications under Directive 2005/36/EC. You need to obtain initial recognition in a Member State according to national rules and procedures.
If you want to have your qualifications recognised under EU law in another Member State than the Member State where your third-country qualifications were first recognised, the initial recognition needs to be followed by 3 years of professional experience in the EU Member State where your qualification was first recognised. Otherwise, you need to apply for recognition following the national rules and procedures of the EU Member State where you would like to have your qualification recognised.
I am an EU national and a medical doctor. I would like to benefit from the system of automatic recognition of professional qualifications provided for in Directive 2005/36/EC for the recognition of my degree. Is this still possible if I obtained my qualifications in the UK?
Yes, but only if you obtained your qualifications before 1 January 2021, Directive 2005/36/EC remains applicable to the recognition of your professional qualifications. This includes the qualifications covered by the Directive’s system of automatic recognition, which is in place for seven key professions (doctors, nurses responsible for general care, midwives, pharmacists, dental practitioners, veterinary surgeons and architects). If your UK qualification is listed in Annex V of the Directive, it is covered by automatic recognition.
As an EU national holding a UK qualification, can I still provide my services on a temporary & occasional basis cross-border within the EU, if this professional activity is regulated in the host Member State?
Yes, as long as you are already residing in another EU Member State, where you got your qualifications recognised, you can provide your services on a temporary and occasional basis in another Member State, in line with Directive 2005/36/EC. The conditions for this initial recognition under Directive 2005/36/EC in the home Member State are described in the answers above.
If you are established outside the EU, you can generally not rely on this simplified procedure to provide your services temporarily in an EU Member State, with the exception of citizens established in Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland (for which specific rules apply).
I am an EU national with UK qualifications that were recognised when I applied for a European Professional Card. Does my European Professional Card remain valid after 31 December 2020? Yes, the recognition decision
Yes, the recognition decision and European Professional Card remain valid for the remainder of the card's validity period. If you are an EU citizen, then the rules and conditions regarding the European Professional Card continue to apply in the context of Brexit, as long as you are protected by the UK Withdrawal Agreement.
I am an EU national holding a UK qualification, obtained before 1 January 2021. Can I still get my qualification recognised through a European Professional Card?
Yes. The guidelines outlined in the preceding answers apply equally to the recognition of UK qualifications for the purpose of obtaining a European Professional Card.
For more information visit
Information on CNRED procedures
What is the deadline for resolving my file?
Recognition baccalaureate - 30 days
Recognition diploma vocational school or post-secondary - 30 days (which may be extended accordingly in the event of consultation of external experts)
recognition bachelor's degree, master,Postgraduate - 30 days (which may be extended accordingly in the event of consultation of external experts)
Recognition diploma doctor - 30 days
Where can I pay?
The fee can be paid in lei at the CNRED Cashier’s Office (Monday to Thursday, between 9:00-12:00, 13:00-15:00) or by Payment Order / Postage Mandate / Banking transfer indicating the account below:
Beneficiary: Ministry of Education
Tax Registration Number: 13729380
Bank: Activity of Treasury and Public Accounting of Bucharest Municipality - ATCPMB
IBAN Code: RO86TREZ70020E330500XXXX
From abroad, the payment can be made in Euro via bank transfer in the account below:
Beneficiary: Ministry of Education
Tax Registration Number: 13729380
Bank: Romanian Commercial Bank - BCR, branch University
IBAN Code: RO35RNCB0080005630300077
The fee will be calculated according to the National Bank of Romania official exchange rate on the day of the payment.
Important: The beneficiary's IBAN number along with owner's and employer's name (if applicable) must be referred to on the proof of payment!
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How do I get the certificate?
At the headquarters CNRED in program: Monday - Thursday: 9.00-12.00 - personal, through a close relative proving kinship, or a person authorized by power of attorney.
For others - Delegate company.
For classes XI-XII - the school inspectorates / Bucharest School Inspectorate.
Foreign citizens seeking admission to study - the university where enrollment has been requested.
If you asked posting - will be sent to the address indicated.
If you have requested dispatch by courier - through control any courier company, pay at destination.
Can I get a duplicate certificate of recognition / equivalence?
Yes. See procedure, specific recognized diploma / equivalent.
Where can I appeal a equivalence / recognition CNRED decision?
Appeals are submitted to the registry MENC.S. within 30 days from the date of issue of the certificate of recognition / equivalence, respectively, from the date of knowledge of the reasons for non-recognition.
The deadline for lodging the appeal on the certificate of recognition of the doctorate is 15 days from the date of issue of the certificate of recognition / equivalence, respectively, from the date of knowledge of the reasons for non-recognition.
What is the program working with the public / audience?
For more information you can contact us, depending on the question asked at the numbers.
Inspectors working program with the public is : Mondays to Thursdays from 09.00 to 12.00 at the headquarters CNRED.
Audiences at the center director: Thursday, 12.00-15.00 hours, appointments by phone: 021 405 56 59.
I must take difference exams ?
After the evaluation of the dossier, and especially higher education diploma giving access to a regulated profession in Romania, are obvious differences between the curriculum followed and one in Romania. In this case, CNRED will issue a letter describing the exams to be promoted and the manner in which this can be done. The exams will be held in one of the universities accredited in Romanian or in a foreign language, for which there is specialization accredited in accordance with internal regulations.
Can I be represented by another person?
Yes. Submission can be made by any person.
Correspondence on the file or issue the certificate will be made directly with a first degree relative proving kinship, another person authorized by power of attorney, power of attorney or advocate attorney.
Employers third parties may send a delegation from the company through which entitles a person to represent them.
If the power of attorney was drawn in another State, shall submit a certified copy to Romanian, English, French. Spanish, Italian or certified copy and translation to other languages.
The power of attorney must be endorsed with an apostille or legalized by the competent authorities of the State in whose territory has been drawn, except those made in countries that have concluded with Romania conventions, treaties or agreements on legal assistance in civil matters, which provide exemption from any legalization, namely: Albania, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Russian Federation, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, France, Mongolia, Montenegro, Poland, Republic of China, Republic of Moldova, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Ukraine, Hungary.
It supports mandates carried out at embassies or consulates of Romania in various states. Mandates carried out under the signature of Ambassador / Consul should not be translated or Apostille / legalization. Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Russian Federation, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, France, Mongolia, Montenegro, Poland, Republic of China, Republic of Moldova, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Ukraine, Hungary. It supports mandates carried out at embassies or consulates of Romania in various states. Mandates carried out under the signature of Ambassador / Consul should not be translated or Apostille / legalization. Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Russian Federation, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, France, Mongolia, Montenegro, Poland, Republic of China, Republic of Moldova, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Ukraine, Hungary. It supports mandates carried out at embassies or consulates of Romania in various states. Mandates carried out under the signature of Ambassador / Consul should not be translated or Apostille / legalization.
Can I learn from CNRED if a foreign university is accredited?
On CNRED website you can find links to databases of accredited higher education institutions abroad, databases maintained by our partner centers network information centers ENIC / NARIC.
If you have not obtained the necessary information you can contact us by e-mail or in writing.
What kind of certificates for diploma recognition abroad can I obtain?
In order to facilitate recognition of Romanian diplomas abroad, CNRED issue any certificate on the education system in Romania, information about higher education institutions, the authenticity of diplomas and their level grading system in Romania etc.
Certificates on professional status are issued by the competent authority for that profession.
May I recognize a study course from abroad?
Courses completed within a training program for professional development or personal lifelong learning (LLL) had no jurisdiction in recognition CNRED.
The professional qualifications which were obtained in the national education system of a Member State or professional experience is recognized by the Ministry of Labor, Family, and Social Protection provided you hold a qualification or have professional experience in the areas craft , commercial or industrial set out in the Minister of Family, Social Protection and the Elderly No. 695/2016.
May I recognize a study period ?
Recognition of study periods abroad for graduated students in grades I-XII is performed by school inspectorates / Bucharest School Inspectorate in accordance with the procedure described here.
Higher education
Recognition of a period of study is done only by higher education institutions in accordance with their own methodologies. In this respect you should contact the university where you want to continue your studies.
When I benefit from automatic recognition?
If I require several simultaneous recognition of diplomas obtained abroad should submit separate files?
Yes, in accordance with the procedures specific to each level of education.
Having a certificate of professional competence issued by double header, Ministry of Education / Ministry of Labour, can submit the file to obtain a certificate recognizing the profession in an EU Member State?
Being studies conducted outside the national education system or continuous training of adults, please contact the National Qualifications Authority, the competent authority for qualifications and training of adults authorizing training providers:
P Square. Valter Mărăcineanu no. 1-3 Entrance B, 2nd floor, cam. 164-166, Sector 1, Bucharest 010 155
Tel .: + 4 021 315 78 46 Fax: +4 021 315 78 55
E-mail: Web:
I earned a doctor / dentist / pharmacist / general nurse / midwife / veterinarian / architect in a State of the European Union / EEA / Swiss Confederation must admit my diploma at CNRED to practice their profession in Romania?
The diplomas for professions mentioned are recognized by professional organizations and relevant public authorities:
- Ministry of Health for the professions of doctor, dentist, pharmacist.
- Order of Nurses, Midwives and Nurses of Romania for the professions of general nurse and midwife.
- College of Veterinarians of Romania for the veterinary profession.
- Architects for the architectural profession in Romania.
What does "Authentication" means?
The authentication procedure involves verifying and certifying the authenticity and the legality of an education document and its contents. Authentication involves applying, on the original study dosuments, a set of stamps that include identification of authentication and signature of authorized person.
On what documents do you apply the authentication?
Higher education diplomas (graduate, bachelor’s, master’s degree, post-university, doctorate) or graduation certificates (bachelor’s and master’s degrees);
Transcripts of Records or Diploma Supplements or Supplements to the Educational Achievement Sheet (appendix to the diploma);
Analytical curriculum or syllabus(appendix to the diploma) ;
Teaching qualifications certificate;
Preparatory year certificate;
Certificate to attest the results of the bachelor’s degree examination;
Certificate to attest the enrolment for European citizens;
Certificate of graduation.
Can send documents for authentication by post / courier? How long does the procedure take?
The applicant shall submit educational documents on the premises of any institution of higher education in Romania or the National Centre for Recognition and Equivalence of Diplomas.
For dossiers submitted directly to the CNRED, targeted educational documents are issued on the same day at 12.00 or 14,30
For dossiers submitted at institutions of higher education, the documents will be returned within 10 working days.
Is CNRED authenticating high school diploma / vocational school / post high school?
The procedure is done by the Bucharest School Inspectorate and the County Inspectorates.
What do I do after I authenticate the documents at CNRED?
After obtaing the CNRED authentication, the application should ask for the Hague Apostille from the Prefect Institution or for Supralegalisation from the Ministry for Foreign Affairs.
Terminology and Definitions
What is equivalence / recognition?
Equivalence is the process by which compares study program, the number of transferable credits, content, training, field of specialization, professional qualification (Diploma Supplement) with the local educational system, to determine the level on which they confer Romanian education.
By recognition means accepting a diploma or study document as genuine (issued by an accredited educational institution in the country of origin). Her assessment is based on: the type of degree program, the number of transferable credits, content, training, field, specialty, professional qualifications (Diploma Supplement) compared with Romanian educational system, to determine the level on which they confer in the Romanian education.
Where, in the transcript or diploma supplement shows that the studies were begun in Romania and completed abroad, diploma applicant is recognized only if initial studies were performed in a school unit or institution of higher education accredited in Romania
What is the procedure?
The procedure is a specific number of shares or the necessary operations must be executed in the same way to always get the same result under the same conditions (eg, emergency procedures). Less precisely speaking, this word may indicate a sequence of tasks, steps, decisions, calculations and processes, which when taken in the sequence provided produce the results described. A procedure induces usually change.
What is a methodology?
The methodology is a method, a description of a process, a set of documented procedures, a list of steps to be followed to analyze files equivalence / recognition.
What is the Bologna Process?
Bologna - the Bologna Declaration, signed on 19 June 1999 education ministers from 29 European countries, meant the first major document for the development of higher education in the European and the creation of the European Higher Education unit. Objectives "process" Bologna are adopting a system of diploma comparable and implementation of Annex administrative Diploma (Diploma Supplement), creating a shared architectures of higher education based on two cycles: undergraduate and postgraduate, creating a scoring system transferable credits - ECTS, promotion mobility of students and other persons involved in education, higher education quality assurance, promoting the European dimension in European higher education.
What is bachelor?
Bachelor- university corresponding to between minimum 180 and maximum 240 ECTS; having full-time education, a normal duration of studies 3-4 years and corresponds to 60 ECTS for one year of study (duration Graduating technical education is 4 years) and evening courses, a lasting a year higher than the full-time education in the field. Undergraduate studies provide an adequate level of qualification to practice a profession insertion in the labor market through general and specialized knowledge appropriate. Within undergraduate studies is mandatory internships and practical knowledge and skills offered broad fields of study. Students who have completed undergraduate studies you can practice their profession under the appropriate skills and diplomas acquired rights, or continue university studies by Masters. Undergraduate studies may be pursued through university masters or doctorate.
What is master?
Master - postgraduate studies corresponding to a number of transferable credits included, usually between 90 and 120. By way of exception, depending on the length of undergraduate studies, the lower limit may be 60 transferable credits. At the full, normal master studies it is 1-2 years and corresponds to 60 ECTS for one year of study. Cumulative total duration of cycle - undergraduate studies and cycle II - Master's degree must meet to obtain at least 300 ECTS. Admission to master academic studies is conditioned by obtaining a diploma awarded after completing undergraduate studies.
What is the PhD?
PhD - university, usually lasting 3 years. In special cases when the subject matter requires a longer period of study or trial duration may be extended by 1-2 years, with the approval of the university senate, at the suggestion of the doctorate. Doctoral thesis can be done within 3 years from completion of doctoral studies. The diploma certifies that the holder has acquired general knowledge and skills and specialized and specific cognitive abilities.
What is the period of study?
Period of study is the situation where the student attends a number of courses, which result in a form of evaluation and obtain the related number of ECTS, in another educational institution, remaining or not registered at the university who upheld.
What is ECTS?
European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) was created under a project of the European Commission in 1988-1995 in order to promote mobility of students, recognition of study periods abroad, to ensure flexibility and transparency and creating closer links between education systems European higher. ECTS is as a whole affected numerical values for each subject, the volume of work that the student must perform it for each of them, they are not the expression of quality, content or level of education.
Credit allocation is in accordance with international academic practice, following the European Credit Transfer System methodology, that 60 credits is the numerical equivalent to the normal amount of specific work of an academic year, and 30 credits correspond usually a semester of higher education.
In allocating the number of credits for each subject / activity is envisaged exclusively amount of work (workload) applied for discipline / activity in question, relative to the total amount of labor necessary to promote a full year of study.
What is the syllabus?
The syllabus is a broad description in writing articles and / or chapters each subject taught in an institution of higher education for a certain specialization.
What is the Diploma Supplement?
Administrative annex to the diploma, the Diploma Supplement (Diploma Supplement) is a document attached to the diploma of higher education offering a standard description of the nature, level, context, content and status of the graduate studies he has carried out successfully. Administrative Annex Diploma ensure transparency and facilitate academic and professional recognition of qualifications (diplomas, university degrees, certificates). Administrative annex to the diploma is issued by educational institutions in accordance with a model that was developed by a working group composed of the European Commission, Council of Europe and UNESCO. The Diploma Supplement is composed of eight sections (information on the holder thereof to qualification, qualification level, content and results Finality information (role) qualification, additional information, data validation Annex and information on the national higher education system. The supplement must contain information on the national higher education system, in which the holder has studied.
Diploma Supplement is a mandatory document annexed study documents mentioned above.
What is Joint Degree?
Joint degrees (Joint Degree) is a specific combination of study programs or types of diploma a student is enrolled concurrently.
JDP (Joint Degree Program) are being developed and proposed by academic units involved, with the consent of the deans of the respective institutions. Such a program approved includes a set of agreements between participating institutions on admissions, counseling, and school curricula.
What is academic recognition?
Academic recognition is the evaluation of a diploma by: type of degree program, the number of transferable credits, content, training, field, specialty, professional qualifications (Diploma Supplement), compared with the Romanian education system in order to establish the level which they confer in the Romanian education. Academic recognition is performed in further learning in a State other than that in which the degree was obtained concerned.
What is the total academic recognition principle?
The principle of total academic recognition - the Student surveys in another university replaced the effective and full study period comparable within the home university, including examinations and other forms of evaluation, even if there are differences in the structure and content of the program.
What is a regulated profession?
Regulated profession is business or a set of professional activities access to which, one way of exercise or exercise is subject, directly or indirectly, by virtue of laws, regulations and administrative provisions to the possession of specific professional qualifications.
What is meant by knowledge?
Knowledge are the result of assimilation through learning of information; they comprise a set of facts, principles, theories and practices for a particular field of work or study.
What is a skill?
Ability is the ability to apply and use knowledge to carry out tasks and solve problems.
What is competence?
Competence is the proven ability to select, combine and use the appropriate knowledge, skills and other acquisitions (values and attitudes) in order to resolve successfully a special category of work or learning and professional development or personal conditions effectiveness and efficiency.
As assessed learning outcomes?
Learning outcomes are given set of knowledge, skillsand competences that a person has acquired and is able to demonstrate after completion of learning a particular school cycle.
How to define workload?
Workload (workload) can be quantified by reference to the number of hours allocated to a course preparation and completion rate based on attendance at lectures and seminars, individual amount of labor required for subsequent successful completion of the course. Individual work consists of: collecting and sorting relevant information, completion and deepening their preparation for examination, drawing a paper or an essay, individual work in the laboratory.
What is a qualification?
For the purpose of the National Higher Education Qualifications (NQF) qualification is official recognition of the value of individual learning outcomes for the labor market and the education and continuous training, through a study document (diploma, certificate, certificate) that confers a legal right to practice a profession or trade.
What is a profession?
The profession is the qualification obtained through studies.
Ce este o meserie?
Meseria este complexul de cunoştinţe dobândit prin şcolarizare sau prin practică, necesare pentru executarea anumitor operaţii de transformare şi prelucrare a obiectelor muncii sau pentru prestarea anumitor servicii.
Ce este o functie?
Funcţia este activitatea desfăşurată de o persoană într-o ierarhie funcţională de conducere sau execuţie.
What is a occupation?
Occupation is under COR, useful activity, income generating (in cash or kind), it carries a person normally in a social and economic unit constituting for this source of existence. Occupation is therefore own active people, practicing an activity recognized by society as useful for itself and its neighbors.
Occupation specialty (qualification) to work effectively exercised. The occupation of a person can be expressed by job function exercised by it.
What is an occupational standard?
The occupational standard is the document that specifies the competency units and the quality level of the results of the activities included in an occupation.
The criterion chosen based on a standard classification of occupations can be by:
- qualification , that is what a person is qualified to do or
- occupation (profession) that what a person actually do a certain job.
What does professional skills?
Defining the professional skills is through occupational analysis or functional analysis.
What does occupational analysis?
Occupational analysis is defined in the glossary of terms published by the International Labour Organization (ILO) as:
"Action consisting of identification through observation and study activities and technical factors that make up an occupation. This process involves: Description of tasks to be fulfilled and the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to be effective in an occupation".
Methodological, occupational analysis can be achieved by developing a training curriculum (Developing A Curriculum DACUM) technique proposed in Canada and based on teamwork, low cost, a group of experts.
What does functional analysis?
Functional analysis is not an accurate method to identify the information needed on skills, but represents a deductive approach based on a skills strategy to be defined, from defining the purpose of having productive functions as the main instrument interview.
What is professional recognition?
Professional Recognition involves taking into account the level of qualification and professional experience. This type of recognition is performed in order to exercise a profession in a State other than that in which the degree was obtained concerned.
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