The European Commission published, on 11th of July 2018, the Single Market scoreboard for the year 2017, which highlights that the results of RO for IMI and Professional Qualifications, module coordinated by CNRED, are above the European average, maintaining the results obtained in the previous year.
From the country report in which the results of the IMI performance indicators are presented in the year 2017, it is noted:
"Internal Market Information System
Performance – Romania now performs very well.

Romania has further improved its performance despite the very high volume of incoming requests. (13% of all requests in IMI are sent to Romania)
3 of 5 indicators show continuous improvement over the last 4 years.
Speed in answering requests has improved further but remains below the EU average.
In 2017, Romania received 336 requests in the area of Posting of workers (11% of all requests in this area) whilst it sent just 13."
The graphical representation shows the evolution of IMI performance indicators over the last 3 years, in the context of the increasing volume of managed information requests.

The total number of exchanges in 2017 exceeded 33,000 showing an increase of 7.5% compared to the year 2016.
Compared with the first year of IMI operation, requests for information in the field of professional qualifications show an increase of 30 times, respectively from 374 requests in 2008 to 10,719 in 2017.
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