The National Center for Recognition and Equivalence of Diplomas within the Ministry of Education organized today, July 14, an online workshop to inform and disseminate the results of the QUATREC 2 project ("Comparing qualifications for a fair recognition 2").
The event brought together representatives of higher education institutions, the Ministry of Education and the National Authority for Qualifications, as well as employers in Romania and brought to the attention and debate the results of the project in order to facilitate the use of learning outcomes in evaluating studies by higher education institutions. and for equitable recognition by employers. The methodology for using the learning outcomes and the recommendations for their formulation were also presented.
The conclusions of these debates highlight the timeliness and need for the use of learning outcomes by stakeholders, in particular by higher education institutions, in the process of achieving qualifications / study programs and study evaluation and by employers in recruitment and selection procedures. human resources based on the competencies held.
Also, the conclusions of the workshop are based on one of the basic elements of the structure of the draft law on higher education, launched on Wednesday, July 13, in public consultation by the Ministry of Education. Specifically, the need to make educational processes more flexible through continuing education programs with low learning volumes, completed with microcredentials belonging to the person who acquired them, can be shared and being portable.
Thus, lifelong learning programs may have low learning volumes, aiming at appropriate learning outcomes, which end with a microcredentials. Learning outcomes are assessed on the basis of transparent and clearly defined standards, targeting specific knowledge, skills and competences that respond to societal, personal, cultural or labor market needs. Microcredentials may be used individually or may be combined to obtain an appropriate certificate.
The Ministry of Education, through the National Center for Recognition and Equivalence of Diplomas (CNRED), has become a partner in the European project "Comparing qualifications for a fair recognition 2 (QUATREC 2)", funded by Erasmus +, action 3, project for members of the National Centers network ENIC / NARIC recognition. The coordinator of this project is the National Recognition Center of Latvia.
The project has been implemented since June 2020 and will end in September 2022. This project involves six ENIC / NARIC centers, namely the centers in Latvia, Romania, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Bulgaria, Lithuania and Armenia.
The objective of the project "Comparing Qualifications for Fair Recognition 2 (QUATREC 2)" is to facilitate the use of learning outcomes in the assessment of diplomas issued by higher education institutions for equitable recognition by employers. Another objective of the project is to develop and pilot a methodology for the use of learning outcomes, following the conclusions and recommendations of the first project.
Further information on the Comparing Qualifications for a Fair Recognition 2 (QUATREC 2) project can be found here.
Sorin Mihai CÎMPEANU,
Minister of Education
Source: https://edu.ro/comunicat_presa_58_2022_workshop_utilizare_rezultate_invatare_microcertificari
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