The National Center for the Recognition and Equivalence of Diplomas participated today, June 11, together with representatives of the ENIC-NARIC Centers in Latvia, Lithuania, the United Kingdom, Armenia and Bulgaria, in the second online working meeting of the QUATREC 2 project ("Comparing qualifications for a fair recognition 2”).
The aim of the project is to facilitate the use of learning outcomes in assessing higher education qualifications, in designing positions and in assessing candidates' skills by employers. Another goal of the project is to develop a methodology for formulating learning outcomes to support higher education institutions in the process of planning and implementing curricula.
During the working meeting, the representatives of the Centers presented to the project partners the progress of the QUATREC 2 project, respectively the implementation stage of the project activities, especially regarding the country profile that includes information about the normative framework and existing good practices at national level. learning outcomes by higher education institutions for undergraduate and master's degree programs.
The meeting ended with the presentation of the scheduled activities until the next meeting of the partners, which will be hosted by CNRED during this year.
The Ministry of Education, through the National Center for Recognition and Equivalence of Diplomas, is a partner in the European project QUATREC 2 & ndash; Comparing qualifications for reliable recognition 2, for members of the ENIC / NARIC National Recognition Centers network and funded by the Erasmus + program, action 3 and coordinated by the ENIC-NARIC Center in Latvia.
For more information, go to http://www.aic.lv/portal/en/par-aic/projects/quatrec-2
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