The Norwegian ENIC-NARIC center organized, between 4 and 5 May this year, in Oslo, the launch meeting of the European Qualifications – Refugees and Recognition 4 (EQUAL) project, no. 101101707, financed by the European Commission, project intended for members of the ENIC/NARIC National Recognition Centers network, in which Romania is a partner along with Lithuania, Poland, Italy, Greece and the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
One of the current challenges highlighted by the project partners is the recognition of qualifications that cannot be proven through specific documents, a context in which the project aims to: on the one hand, ensure the implementation of Article VII of the Lisbon Convention, which considers the recognition of certificates held of refugees, displaced persons and persons in refugee status; on the other hand, to support the ENIC/NARIC centers participating in the project in developing specific mechanisms for the fair and transparent recognition of the qualifications obtained by refugees.
The organizers of the meeting also brought to attention their own procedures for the integration of refugees in Norway, and CNRED presented the national legal provisions, which transpose the initiatives, recommendations and instruments in the field of recognition of qualifications obtained by refugees developed at the level of international intergovernmental organizations, to which Romania is a state member.
During the meeting, aspects regarding the implementation of the project were also discussed, such as the activities, the action plan, the deliverables, the financial management and the dissemination process.
Additional information about the EQUAL project can be found here.
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