On March 10, 2023, in Riga, was held the launch meeting of the OCTRA 2 project – Online course catalogs and databases for transparency and recognition 2, no. 101101695, financed by the Erasmus+ program, action 3, project intended for members of the ENIC/NARIC National Recognition Centers network, in which Romania is a partner alongside Latvia, Poland, Ireland, Bulgaria, Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The OCTRA 2 project aims to further explore the role of online course catalogs of higher education institutions in project partner countries, with a focus on micro-certifications, to provide support to higher education institutions in providing reliable information for the recognition of education qualifications including micro-certifications, which in the future may lead to the automatic recognition of higher education qualifications.
During the meeting, aspects regarding the implementation of the project were discussed, such as the activities, the action plan, the deliverables, the financial management and the dissemination process. Project activities include: identification at the level of each partner of national practices, recommendations and approaches regarding micro-certifications and online course catalogs; improving and adapting the guidelines (developed in the previous project) on online course catalogs and micro-certifications, including how to include them in online course catalogs; strengthening the dialogue between higher education institutions, ENIC-NARIC Centres, assessors and other stakeholders involved in recognition (e.g. employers, students) regarding the provision of reliable and unified information on higher education qualifications and micro-certifications.
The project page can be accessed at https://aic.lv/en/par-aic/projects/octra-2
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