The National Center for Recognition and Equivalence of Diplomas within the Ministry of Education organized, between September 7 and 8, a new working meeting within the QUATREC 2 project ("Comparing qualifications for a fair recognition 2").
The event took place at the National University of Music in Bucharest, bringing together, in a hybrid system, the representatives of the ENIC-NARIC Centers from Latvia, Lithuania, Great Britain, Armenia, Bulgaria and experts from the National Qualifications Authority.
The main topics of discussion were the stage of implementation of the project by each partner, the development of the methodology for formulating learning outcomes and the organization of peer learning activities, as well as the creation of a work plan for future activities.
CNRED presented the results of the use of learning outcomes in the assessment of higher education qualifications in Romania and the future actions envisaged to create useful recommendations in this regard, a presentation made with the contribution of the National Qualifications Authority, the Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education and higher education institutions in Romania.
The Ministry of Education, through the National Center for Recognition and Equivalence of Diplomas, is a partner in the European project QUATREC 2 - Comparing qualifications for reliable recognition 2, for members of the network of National Recognition Centers ENIC / NARIC and funded by Erasmus +, action 3 and coordinated by the Center ENIC-NARIC from Latvia.
The aim of the project is to facilitate automatic mutual recognition by strengthening the role of learning outcomes in assessing higher education qualifications, in designing positions and in assessing candidates' skills by employers.
Another goal of the project is to develop a methodology for formulating learning outcomes to support higher education institutions in the process of planning and implementing curricula.
For more information, go to http://www.aic.lv/portal/en/par-aic/projects/quatrec-2
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