The European Commission publishes annually, starting in 2013, statistical data on the functioning of the IMI network, which highlights the 5 performance indicators for IMI information requests - the Professional Qualifications component, module coordinated by CNRED, and the results of Romania, currently these being positioned above the European average:
- Speed in accepting incoming requests within one week is the percentage of accepted requests from the total number of requests for information received by the Romanian authorities. The result in 2018 is 89%, this being the best in the last 6 years.
- Speed in answering requests is the average number of days in which responses were submitted, calculated for all information requests on the recognition of professional qualifications that were accepted by the Romanian authorities. The best result was recorded in 2018 - 14 calendar days.
- Requests answered by the date agreed in IMI is the percentage of the total number of information requests for which the response was accepted by the receiving authority in Romania. The result in 2018 is 92%, also the best in the last 6 years.
The last two IMI indicators, respectively 4 and 5, are obtained through a survey on the satisfaction of the requesting competent authority which takes into account a voluntary questionnaire for information requests submitted for the following legislative areas: Professional Qualifications, Services, Patient Rights, Posting of Workers.
- Timeliness of replies is the percentage of positive evaluations of the total number of answers to the questionnaire. 91% reconfirmed the best result in 2018.
- Efforts made represent the percentage of positive evaluations of the total number of questionnaire responses. The result in 2018 is 94%, a new positive development.
The annual results for the five IMI performance indicators are taken to the country reporting of the Internal Market Scoreboard which is published by the European Commission in July of the following year.
The charts above show the evolution of IMI performance indicators over the past 6 years, in the context of an increase in the volume of information requests managed by the competent authorities.
Compared to 2013, the first year for which the comparative analysis of statistical data was carried out, the annual number of information requests managed by the Romanian authorities in the field of professional qualifications increased by 225%, from 703 requests in 2013 to 1,586 requests in 2018.
At European level, the total number of information requests for the recognition of professional qualifications in 2018 was 16,254 and in 2013 were registered 5,957 IMI PQ requests. It is noted that the number of requests for information has increased almost 3 times.
For more information, please see:
- IMI annual statistics published by the European Commission: http://ec.europa.eu/internal_market/imi-net/statistics/2017/12/index_en.htm (to view other years, use the top right drop-down menu)
- Internal Market Scoreboard: http://ec.europa.eu/internal_market/scoreboard/performance_by_member_state/romania/index_en.htm and http://ec.europa.eu/internal_market/scoreboard/archive/
- Summary of IMI statistical data: https://cnred.edu.ro/imipqnet/doku.php?id=meniu:imi:statistica
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