On February 17, the launch meeting of the ARAQUA project was held in Riga – Road to Automatic Recognition of Higher Education Access Qualifications, no. 101101645, financed by the Erasmus+ program, action 3, project intended for members of the ENIC/NARIC National Recognition Centers network, in which Romania is a partner alongside Latvia, the Kingdom of Denmark, Italy, Malta, Estonia, Slovakia, Armenia and Ireland.
The aim of the project is to identify and map, at the level of the partner countries, the qualifications that allow access to higher education in order to develop a set of recommendations for ENIC/NARIC centers and for higher education institutions that lead to an automatic recognition between states of these qualifications. Another objective of the project is to develop a sheet for establishing criteria for mapping access qualifications to higher education and to promote discussions between ENIC/NARIC centers and higher education institutions regarding automatic recognition procedures and criteria.
During the meeting, aspects regarding the implementation of the project were discussed, such as the action plan, activities, deliverables, financial management and dissemination; with regard to the activities to be carried out to achieve the objectives, the following were identified: the development of a common methodology for the study to be carried out by each partner state, the elaboration of a study on the qualifications that give access to higher education in each partner country and drawing up a sheet for mapping the qualifications that give access to higher education for automatic recognition.
The project page can be accessed at https://aic.lv/en/par-aic/projects/araqua
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