On 22 September this year, the first working meeting was held in Oslo to review the progress of the European Qualifications – Refugees and Recognition 4 (EQUAL) project, no. 101101707, funded by the European Commission, for members of the ENIC/NARIC National Recognition Centres network, in which Romania is a partner together with Lithuania, Poland, Italy, Greece and the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

OCTRA 2 project – Course catalogues and online databases for transparency and recognition 2 / ARAQUA project – The road to automatic recognition of qualifications for access to higher education
The First Session of the Intergovernmental Conference of States Parties to the Global Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications in Higher Education, organised by UNESCO, was held in Paris on 4-5 July 2023. On behalf of Romania, Ms Gianina Chirazi, Director of the National Centre for the Recognition and Equivalence of Qualifications (CNRED) - ENIC/NARIC National Centre and representatives of the Permanent Delegation of Romania to UNESCO participated.