The National Centre for the Recognition and Equivalence of Diplomas is the assistance center in Romania, according to the provisions of art. 371 of the Law No. 200 / 25th of May 2004 on the recognition of professional diplomas and qualifications for regulated professions in Romania, as amended, whose task is to provide citizens and assistance centers in the other Member States with assistance in the recognition of professional qualifications, including information on
- national legislation governing their professions and their practice,
- labor and social security legislation
- Ministry of Labor and Social Justice -
- National House of Public Pensions -
- deontological norms for the regulated professions in Romania.
Law no. 200/2004 transposes Directive 2005/36/EC on the recognition of professional qualifications, the application of which can be consulted in the Guide prepared by the European Commission.
Electronic Point of Single Contact |
The Romanian Assistance Centre provides citizens with assistance in exercising the rights conferred by law, as appropriate, in cooperation with the Home Assistance Centre in the Member State of origin and the competent authorities and the single electronic contact point, provided for by the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 49/2009 on the freedom of establishment of service providers and the freedom to provide services in Romania, approved with amendments and completions by Law no. 68/2010.
RegProf - European Commission |
The Government Decision no. 414/2020 on the appointment of the national coordinator and users for the European Commission's database of regulated professions - RegProf, as well as for the approval of activities for the registration of regulated professions in Romania and administrative cooperation with the European Commission and competent authorities of other EU Member States European Economic Area and the Swiss Confederation establishes the framework for the provision of information in the European Commission's database of regulated professions - RegProf and its use by the competent authorities for the regulated professions in Romania.
Any competent authority in Romania shall cooperate fully with the Support Center in Romania and, where applicable, the home Member State or assistance centers in other Member States and provide, at the request of such assistance centers, all relevant information on the cases with respect to data protection rules, in accordance with the legislation on the protection of personal data and compliance with the confidentiality obligation.
Internal Market Information System (IMI) |
European Professional Card (EPC) - Your Europe |
The information published in the Ukrainian language by the European Commission on access to EU labor market can be accessed at
The Assistance Centre replaces the National Contact Point for Recognition of Professional Qualifications.
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